Thursday, 5 August 2010


Today was a good day. The littlies were all on their best behaviour, we spent most of today visiting my best friend, we made pizzas for lunch, drank copious amounts of tea and had a lovely catch up. We used to live 5 doors apart but now it's 26 miles. Today was like the old days only I had to leave at 3pm to make sure the car was back for the boy to go to work. Pffffft.

Tea was healthy and eaten without complaint and I had an enquiry about a vacancy I have. All in all, things have gone really well today. Now though, I have to pack. I hate packing. I never know what to take and I always take too much and end up forgetting something vital. It's all in a good cause though. This weekend, the boy and I are heading to Scotland for the wedding of our friends. It's going to be a great weekend. We're leaving the littlies with my parents and heading off on our own eeeeeeeek!

We haven't had a weekend away on our own since March 2004. In the 5.5 years since our eldest was born, I've spent 3 nights away. Monday 18th September 2006, Thursday 18th June 2009 and Thursday 18th February 2010. The first two don't really count as I was in hospital having more babies, not like I was off gallavanting!

The latter was a gift from my parents as the boy had just come back from 3 months in the dusty place. I didn't sleep a wink. I didn't sleep a wink. Not because I thought they'd come to any harm but more because it just felt so strange being away from them. Not checking them last thing at night and tucking them in. Knowing that if they needed me, I wouldn't be there.

I hope this weekend will be different. It's old hat for the boy, he's always going away so it's much easier for him. I'm looking forward to spending some decent time together without either of us having to work, with no OU assignments in the way and to be able to sleep in. But I'll miss my three smallies terribly.

They'll have a great weekend with Nana and Grandad there's already a queue of people bagsying playtime, they'll be spoilt rotten. I used to stay at my grandparents all the time but because we live so far from home, it's not really possible for our children to have the same. It'll be good for everyone.

Better go dig out my heels! That's if they haven't left home in disgust at being neglected for so long!

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